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Non Discrimination Statement

In accordance with Federal civil rights law, Newberry Soil and Water Conservation District does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age (and any other bases you wish to include) in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment, or on the basis of sex in its health programs and activities. For further information about this policy, contact:


When you visit some websites, their web servers generate pieces of information known as cookies. Some cookies collect personal information to recognize your computer in the future.

Cookies are small files that web servers place on a user's hard drive that helps a website or service. There are two types of cookies:

  1. Session cookies, also known as transient or per session cookies, serve technical purposes, like providing seamless navigation through They are stored in temporary memory and are only available during an active browser session. Once you close your browser, the cookie disappears.

  2. Persistent cookies, also known as permanent or stored cookies, are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as user name, web surfing behavior or user preference for a specific website. These cookies operate until they expire or a user deletes them.

       may use both types of cookies to improve our on-line services to you.

When You Visit Websites

Please read the Privacy Statement of each website you visit. Our website has links to several other federal agencies. In a few cases, we link to private organizations with their permission. Once you access another site through a link that we provide, you are subject to the Privacy Statement of the other organization's site.

Social Media

The NSWCD uses third-party services such as Facebook & Instagram to communicate and interact with the public. You may encounter these services as separate websites (for example, the NSWCD Facebook page, or as applications embedded within the NSWCD's websites. These services are controlled and operated by third parties and are not government websites or applications. By interacting with NSWCD through these third-party services, you may be providing non-government third parties access to your personal information which can be used to distinguish or trace your identity. Any information collected by a third-party service is subject to the privacy policies of the third-party service provider. These third-party services may, for example, use persistent (multi-session) cookies.

Generally, NSWCD does not collect, disseminate, or maintain any personally identifiable information about you maintained by third party sites. However, you should be aware that NSWCD may read, review, or rely upon information that you make publicly available or the NSWCD on these services (for example, comments made on the NSWCD's Facebook page), as authorized or required by law.

Please note that these third-party services supplement NSWCD's traditional communication and outreach efforts. Should you have concerns about communicating with NSWCD via these channels, please use traditional channels to contact us

Comment Policies

The purpose of the NSWCD's new media communication forums, such as NSWCD blogs, collaborative tools, and other sites, is to share news and information regarding the activities, policies, and programs of NSWCD and its employees. We encourage discussion and comments on posts. Your insights are important to ensure Americans nationwide are informed and can be a part of the NSWCD's work, every day.

If you have any comments or questions about the information presented here, please forward your concerns to the NSWCD Privacy Mailbox at

You Send Us Personal Information

If you choose to provide us with personal information, as in an e-mail or by filling out a form and submitting it to us through our website, we use that information to respond to your message. This also helps us to locate the information you have requested. We treat e-mails the same way that we handle paper-based correspondence sent to NSWCD. We are required to maintain many documents under the Federal Record Act for historical purposes, but we do not collect personal information for any purpose other than to respond to you. We only share the information you give us with another government agency if your inquiry relates to that agency or as otherwise required by law. Moreover, we do not create individual profiles with the information you provide, nor will the information you provide be shared with any private organizations. NSWCD does not collect information for commercial marketing.

Digital Rights and Copyright

Most information presented on the NSWCD site is considered public domain information. Public domain information may be freely distributed or copied, but use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested. Attribution may be cited as follows: "Newberry Soil & Water Conservation District."

Some materials on the NSWCD Web site are protected by copyright, trademark, or patent, and/or are provided for personal use only. Such materials are used by NSWCD with permission, and NSWCD has made every attempt to identify and clearly label them. You may need to obtain permission from the copyright, trademark, or patent holder to acquire, use, reproduce, or distribute these materials.

What is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)?

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was enacted to provide direct access to the functions of government to the general public and the press.  Government agencies and public officials have a duty to disclose any public information requested through FOIA unless the information is protected from disclosure by law.

When drafting South Carolina’s FOIA, the General Assembly found the following: The General Assembly finds that it is vital in a democratic society that public business be performed in an open and public manner so that citizens shall be advised of the performance of public officials and of the decisions that are reached in public activity and in the formulation of public policy.  Toward this end, provisions of this chapter must be construed so as to make it possible for citizens, or their representatives, to learn and report fully the activities of their public officials at a minimum cost or delay to the persons seeking access to public documents or meetings.

Making a FOIA Request

A FOIA request can be made for any agency record. You can also specify the format in which you wish to receive the records (for example, printed or electronic form). The FOIA does not require agencies to create new records or to conduct research, analyze data, or answer questions when responding to requests. FOIA requests must be in writing.

Newberry Soil & Water Conservation District
719 Kendall Rd. Newberry SC 29108

FOIA Fee Schedule

There is a fee associated with a FOIA request. This fee will be shared prior to the processing of a request. 

  • $29.00 per hour for staff time required for the search, retrieval, and redaction of records

  • $0.20 per page of printed copies of records

  • $12.00 per hour for staff time required to transfer public records to electronic format if requested and agreed upon

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